Resolutions: 3 Kinds of Prayers to Pray in 2018

I’m hearing a lot of cynicism and negativity surrounding the idea of New Year’s Resolutions in this past week or so. Our generation is accustomed to a “fake news” world, which means we are less likely to believe the hype and get carried away by big statements and promises. However, let’s not let being media-savvy and harder to fool also make us jaded. The way I see it, resolve, no matter what time of year it comes at, is a great thing. Let’s be known for our steadfastness; let’s not let the possibility of failure make us to fearful to stand for anything. Let’s not allow our expectations, and the prayers that echo them, be diminished by a perceived need to manage expectations; we are God’s children, not his PR agents, after all.

This morning my Bible reading was Psalm 2, which is a psalm I love, because to me, it is reminiscent of a football victory song. It’s all attitude and challenge; it’s a boasting psalm. The only difference is that instead of boasting of the ability of the boys to run hard and kick straighter than the other team, it’s boast is the unstoppable power of our God. It warns the powerful of this world not to get on the wrong side of Him and declares the victory and prosperity of those who count themselves His own. In particular, this short section stood out to me:

Ask me,

and I will make the nations your inheritance,

the ends of the earth your possession.

You will break them with a rod of iron;

you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

  • Psalm 2:8-9

There are resolutions in this passage that I have decided to adopt; maybe one of them is just what you need as well!

  1. Pray as a child.

What I love about this is that it invites us to be active participants in this life that He has given us. He is our father; we have permission to ASK Him. We are not dogs, waiting under His table, hoping for a scrap of blessing to fall. We are not mere servants who have to broker an agreement and then work to gain its benefits, demonstrating our worthiness before we see the promises of our master fulfilled. We are children with permission, invitation even, to boldly approach the throne to petition the King. In 2018, I resolve to pray bold prayers, to be an active participant in what God is doing.

2. Size matters.

How rich our Father is! We often talk about “cattle on a thousand hills”, which is a metaphor that may have lost some meaning for a generation that doesn’t spend much time buying and selling cattle, but we get the drift: He’s not struggling for resources. Our prayers reflect our expectations and He is calling is to raise them. Ask for the nations. Ask for the ends of the earth. Ask for something bigger than what you’ve seen before. Don’t allow fear of disappointment to prevent you asking Him for what He has already promised. God is not afraid of high expectations. In 2018, I resolve to pray BIG prayers, that reflect a higher expectation.

3. Embrace the uncertainty.

God will give you what you’re asking for; He’s the one who told you to ask, remember? He will give you this city, this university, this breakthrough…if you know what to do with it when He does. There’s a hint in the passage above:

“You will break them with a rod of iron,

you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

We can’t be afraid to shake things up a bit. We can’t be afraid of a bit of mess. (After all, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs). Don’t be too careful. You’re accountable to God, and under Him, the laws of the land. After that, things are up for discussion. Spiritual strongholds, patterns, the way things have always been, people’s expectations – some of this stuff is going to have to get smashed up like old pottery if you are going to step into the answers to those big prayers you’re going to be praying! Shake things up. Don’t expect smooth sailing when you’re breaking new ground (apologies for the mixed metaphor, got a bit carried away). The things of this world can’t stand up to a higher power, so we need to choose which we will allow to govern our steps. In 2018, I resolve to embrace uncertainty and pray prayers that challenge the status quo.

Happy New Year friends! May you lift your eyes, raise your expectations and pray big, bold, even a little scary prayers this year!20232361_10155453523118162_6967572305689211794_o

The Lord Himself will Fight for you; Just Stay Calm!


The art of stillness is not something I have to exhibit often. There’s just too much noise, far too many things going on. My natural ability to be calm has been at times severely impaired by my reality. The thought of laying down to rest and being still makes me laugh because it is something I cannot ever fully achieve, even when my health has plummeted. During those times the doctor has, a couple of times, seriously and firmly recommended I go home and rest in bed, as if that has ever been a realistic possibility in the last 8 years – five children live here!

However, I have come to learn that stillness has far less to do with my ability to rest when I am sick, or even my capacity to remain calm during that awful stint of madness at the end of the day that precedes bedtime…

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Energizer Nights: Church Done Differently

Last Sunday night was the start of something significant.

I’ve been in church basically every Sunday for the last twenty or so years. I’ve seen a lot of great things and been a part of some special moments and for me, this first Energizer Night was truly a standout occasion. The tangible feeling of God’s presence, the sense of freedom from the Holy Spirit, the collective anticipation of a group of people truly expecting God to move: the atmosphere in the room was rare and electric.

Some of the most exciting moments of the night included a killer rap delivered by young Caleb Walker, while Eugene and some of the youth boys owned the stage in a dance performance. Ps. Layla Nahavandi is a talented young preacher, all the way from Adelaide and she challenged and inspired with a word that was perfect for our season. Church is always better…

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You’re Not the Boss of Me: Mental Health Lessons in the Psalms

Last week was World Suicide Prevention Week, so I’m a little behind the times, but better late than never, right? Anyway, in the wake of RUOK? Day and all the great awareness campaigns that champion good mental health habits, I’ve been thinking about my own mental health and the part that faith plays for me in maintaining it. I have been suffering, on and off, but mostly on, with depression and anxiety for the best part of a decade now and in that time, I have seen the public dialogue around mental health open up significantly, which is awesome, I never would’ve been brave enough to write this five years ago, but thank to the people who were brave back then, I am now!

Ironically, the hardest times for me to draw near to god are the times I am gripped by anxiety or depression: the times I need to…

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A Crash of Christians: 7 Lessons I Learnt From Pastor James McPherson

Last Sunday, we had the privilege of hearing a sermon from James McPherson, senior Pastor of Calvary Christian Church, in Queensland. Each week, we walk away from the sermons at Energizer Church feeling inspired, as Pastor Dave and the entire preaching team build on powerful messages and the Word that God is speaking.I always walk away feeling refreshed and revitalised, and this week I felt that James’ message cut through to us at all at a time of real breakthrough for Energizer Church. With that said, here are 7 key messages that I took away from James’s sermon today:

God speaks into familiarity.
Can you think of a situation in your life where you’ve become really comfortable? Perhaps it’s a career path, a favourite coffee shop, a relationship, a location you live in, or a style of music; whatever it may be, I’m sure you’ll agree there are periods of…

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Expect to Encounter

Have you ever heard the saying “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”?
Well, with respect to motivational posters everywhere, I would like to politely disagree. It is absolutely about the destination.
Let me tell you about a recent journey of ours, and perhaps you will understand where I’m coming from.
It may not have been the longest journey of my life, but it certainly felt like it, in fact, even making it onto the plane felt like the longest journey!

Our story starts in a nursing home in Christchurch, New Zealand, where my husband’s grandfather, who had been incapacitated for about 9 years in hospital, passed away peacefully. Following this, many discussions amongst the Australian branch of the family tree took place and eventually it was decided that we would make the trip to the funeral, which was in three days.

My husband is a travel agent…

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A God Story: Little Prayers

‘Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”‘
Matthew 19:14

I was raised in a great home, but not one where faith was prioritised. Until I was fifteen, I knew nothing of a God who loved me and would go to great lengths to have relationship with me. Overnight, my discovery of Jesus changed the direction of my life. I don’t know what it’s like to go through childhood with an awareness of the spiritual world. For this reason, I sometimes feel I’ll-equipped to teach my children what it means to have a relationship with God.

As parents, isn’t it true that sometimes we are hyper-aware of the areas we feel like we are failing, or not enough, that we miss the great things we have done for our kids?

Completely by accident, I…

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Square Sandwiches and Other Failures


I don’t come from a particularly large family, unlike my Nan, who is the eldest of seventeen children! One of the many things I have noted since becoming a parent to five children, is how many things I need to remember on a day to day basis: how each one likes their sandwiches, which one hates butter, who only likes porridge, which My Little Pony is whose… I find myself making lists: lists to remember who has library day on Thursday, which day do we wear our sports uniform, when it’s assembly and what time and free dress, dont EVER forget free dress day! Thankfully, to date I have never broken this sacred rule!

These things are not uncommon; many of you are old hats at these tricks. For the most part, I too am in the swing of things…except for when I am not, like right now. It’s the…

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A God Story: Chris

This story began toward the end of March this year, when I reached a very low point in my life. My business ventures were moving agonisingly slowly; I had little passion and, above all, I felt completely disconnected from the world.

I saw others in my life with immense enthusiasm and flourishing relationships, so I asked the Universe to present me with the ‘next step’, so that I could begin to experience more connection and fulfilment. Even though I was feeling low at the time, I truly believed that there was something much better for me around the corner; all I had to do to get started was ASK!

One Friday night shift at the hotel where I was working, I served a family named the McDermotts. They were incredibly happy, and I was really enjoying the time going back and forth from their table. Damon, the father, eventually asked…

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Prayers of Helplessness: Psalm 10


Have you ever felt completely helpless? Try to remember the last time it happened…we don’t tend to think about this feeling much; we value our self-sufficiency, our capability too highly. Helplessness is always a shock when we experience it.

The last time I remember feeling truly helpless was when my little boy because very sick with a mystery bacterial infection while my husband was away on a business trip. I sent him off to childcare that morning with the usual runny nose that all daycare kids seem to have during the winter months. However, by lunchtime, we were sitting in the emergency room as his temperature soared and he became more and more lethargic. I was settling in for a long afternoon or waiting our turn, but Jasper decided to jump the queue by going into febrile convulsions.

All of a sudden my baby was convulsing and vomiting, his eyes…

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